Micro Irrigation System We Have Installed A Very Expensive Grey Water System With Subsurface Irrigation And It Is Blocked Already?

We have installed a very expensive grey water system with subsurface irrigation and it is blocked already? - micro irrigation system

We have a professionally installed 60 million below the surface of pipes irirgation purple. We are in Perth, and our soil is basically sand, just 15 meters above the water table. seemed to clog the pipes of the earth about 6 months, with the consequence that no longer works and that the bicycle pump water continuously around the pipe with a mesh size of a few drops on the floor.
It is a common experince?
If so, it seems that the pipe is not really suitable for this purpose.
certainly not accept our encourgae experince to a professional system of gray water. very disappinted and wants to reclaim the money--($ 7500) or ask the installer to replace the pipe does not include the block. Gray water is a system of filter 2 (micro and macro) and clean it regularly, so the problem is that it appears that dust and lint in the gray water, anti-lock brakes


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